Monday, June 22, 2009

Love Twitter; Hate Twitter Spam

Do you hate Twitter spam as much as I do?

Do you want to tell new followers who have zero updates but 462 followers to fuck off?

I love Twitter. It's fun, easy, entertaining and sometimes (depending on who you follow, I suppose) it's emotional. I don't follow people just for the heck of it. I check out their tweets and if I like what I read, then I follow. I'm not in this to build a huge cult following. Yeah, it's cool to see that new people are following, but sometimes (and more frequently the past few weeks) it's just bullshit.

A lot of people seem to being going for this type of crap:

"Hey, check it out, I have a pyramid scheme that will net you 200 new followers a day!"
  • Small, tiny tiny print: But just so you know, every single one of those is either a blank account with no updates or it's just a link to a porn site.
I've been told to just ignore them. What can it hurt to have people follow you who don't actually read your updates? Especially if they hardly ever tweet, so they aren't screwing up your Twitter stream?

I know, I know. But I just can't do it. I try to be a good Twitterer, Tweeter, Twatter, whatever. When I get a new follower, I check out his/her updates and if they're a "real" person and if I like what I read I follow back. So every time I get a new follower who is just a spammer it winds up being a waste of my time to go check them out. And that pisses me off. Mostly because now I don't want to waste time checking out new followers and I might miss a really good one.

So if you are:
  1. a new follower
  2. actually reading this
  3. you aren't one of those people who knows everything about social media and that's all you tweet about

feel free to @ me and tell me so and I'll be happy to follow back.


PS If you just want me to sign up to see pictures of you, the least you could do is provide a couple of frees ones to reel me in.

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