Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm not the Anti-Christ after all [huge sigh of relief]

I was 10 years old when I read Revelations for the first time.

It scared the crap out of me.

Because by the time I finished reading it I was convinced that I was the Anti-Christ.

I don't remember why I thought that, but I've wondered about it on and off over the years.

So it was a huge relief to find out that someone else is the Anti-Christ. Phew.

PS - I wonder how long it took this guy to work through all of this and make it fit.


  1. i remember when jimmy carter was running for president. it was the year we moved to mexico. an american missionary, bill f. stated that we should not vote for carter because his campaign theme song was a communist youth anthem! look hard enough at anything, and you can find something negative to pin on it. i also am reminded that a deacon that was one of the leaders of a home church group we were part of, stated, you do not make a rule out of any part of the bible, unless you find it in three places. this was in response to being questioned about people who believed that you could put your hand in a basket of poisonous snakes, get bitten and not die! that would prove you were saved! that is an example of basing a belief on just one small verse in the bible. old or new testament. very dangerous practice. wonder how many people died as a result.

  2. I wish the "three places" rule was better known (or appeared in the bible in three places, lol).

  3. He could come up with all that and still mispelled heights multiple times?

    PS. The Real Anti-Christ lives in Maryland.

  4. And the Real Anti-Christ would be?


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